Bachelor Thesis: Security Analysis of eBPF (97%)
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Holz, Dr. Sergej Schumilo
Cryptography on Hardware-based Platforms (96%)
Prof. Dr. Tim Erhan Güneysu
Implementation of Cryptographic Schemes (96%)
Prof. Dr. Christof Paar & Dr. Falk Schellenberg
Introduction to Hardware Reverse Engineering (100%)
Prof. Dr. Christof Paar & PhD Students
Lab Course Wireless Physical Layer Security
Prof. Dr. Christian Zenger
Programming C (100%)
Prof. Dr. Markus Dürmuth
System Security (100%)
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Holz
Network Security 2 (100%)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Schwenk
Network Security 1 (100%)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Schwenk
Computer Networks (97%)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Schwenk & Dr. Christian Mainka
Computer Architecture (100%)
Dr. Philipp Niemann
Cryptography (96%)
Prof. Dr. Alexander May
Introduction to Cryptography 2 (91%)
Prof. Dr. Christif Paar
Introduction to Cryptography 1 (100%)
Prof. Dr. Christif Paar
Operating Systems (97%)
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Holz
Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (97%)
Prof. Dr. Nils Fleischhacker & Prof. Dr May
Computer Science 3 - Digital Circuits (90%)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Oehm
Computer Science 2 - Algorithms and Data Structures (98%)
Prof. Dr. Tim Erhan Güneysu
Computer Science 1 - Programming (100%)
Prof. Dr. Tobias Glasmachers
System Theory 3 - Stochastic Signals (72%)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Schmitz
System Theory 2 - Signal Transformations (90%)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aydin Sezgin
System Theory 1 - Fundamentals (88%)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Martin
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 1 - Electric Circuits (96%)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Illona Rolfes
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 2 - Electrical and Magnetic Fields (100%)
Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Roll (funny guy)
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 3 - Energy Engineering (52%)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Constantinos Sourkounis
Electronics 1 - Components (62%)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Pohl
Discrete Mathematics (100%)
PD Dr. Björn Schuster
Mathematics 3 (94%)
Dr. Annett Püttmann
Mathematics 2 (86%)
Dr. Mario Lipinski
Mathematics 1 (98%)
Dr. Mario Lipinski
Practical Course MATLAB B
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Hexamer
Digital Forensics (73%)
Dr. rer. nat. Christofer Fein
Introduction to Usable Security and Privacy (84%)
Prof. Dr. Angela Sasse & Prof. Dr. Markus Dürmuth
Introduction to Asymmetric Cryptanalysis (73%)
Prof. Dr. Alexander May
Model Checking (77%)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Zeume
Physics (98%)
Prof. Dr. Daniel Hägele
Principles of Financial and Management Accounting
Dr. Andreas Bonse
Introduction to Business Administration
Dr. Roland Düsing
Graduate Courses
Master Thesis: Security of Trusted Execution Environments in the Presence of Malicious
Peripherals (94%)
Prof. Dr. Shweta Shinde & Prof. Dr. Ghassan Karame
Deep Learning (88%)
Prof. Dr. Asja Fischer
Fundamentals of Data Science (95%)
Prof. Dr. Aydin Sezgin
Quantum Algorithms (81%)
Prof. Dr. Alexander May
Symmetric Cryptanalysis (80%)
Prof. Dr. Gregor Leander
Operating System Security (96%)
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Holz
Message-Level Security (73%)
Dr. Vladislav Mladenov & Dr. Christian Mainka
Red- and Blue Teaming (74%)
Dr. Martin Grothe
Machine Learning: Supervised Methods (89%)
Prof. Dr. Tobias Glasmachers
Web Engineering (94%)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus König
Lab Course Cryptanalysis
Prof. Dr. Alexander May
Digital Signal Processing (88%)
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Kolossa
English for IELTS and beyond (B2 - C1)
Anna Soltyska
Artificial Neural Networks (74%)
Prof. Dr. Sen Cheng
Usable Security and Privacy (72%)
Prof. Dr. Markus Dürmuth